rubycube social provides cognitive and communication therapy services to individuals of all ages. The focus of therapy is to develop receptive, expressive, and pragmatic language in a supportive setting, through dynamic relationships with an individual’s therapist and their peers. We affirm all neurological differences and we support individuals to learn about the amazing things their brains can do! Services may be provided in group format or on a 1:1 individual basis, based on need, availability, and clinical indication. Treatment can be provided in the child’s natural environment, their school, in a clinic setting, and now we can offer outdoor therapy with wilderness and gardening components!
AVAILABLE services:
• individual speech and language treatment
• individual pragmatic language treatment
• dyad or group receptive, expressive and pragmatic language treatment
• spoken and written language evaluations
• evaluations of executive functioning skills
• pragmatic language evaluations that include an informal dynamic assessment
Group and individual treatment sessions will target the following areas:
• social communication
• interoceptive awareness
• emotional regulation, modulation, and expression
• narrative skills
• written expression
• traditional speech pathology services, including intelligibility and articulation
• family education and support, including but not limited to a 10-minute wrap up with parents at the end of the session
• consultation and coaching for family members
All sessions are personalized to the individual’s and group’s needs. As clinicians, we draw from evidence-based treatment methodologies to support an individual’s growth and meet their goals. The science and research are changing, and therapists must grow and change with the evidence! We listen to research and affirm all perspectives.
Summer camps and more intensive summer and track-out social learning opportunities are in the works! Stay tuned!